Monday, October 15, 2012

Rockport Apple Weekend

 I had kind of lost the inspiration to post here for a while.  I felt that I had run out of fun stories, or anything meaningful to say.
 Perhaps that is slowly coming back.
 So instead I wanted to share with you a montage of photos taken by a friend of mine (Thank you Leila!) a few weekends ago.  When I saw all of these, I thought I had just participated in one of those super-posh food magazine weekends.  You know what I mean, when you look through food magazine articles about some fabulous get-together that super wealthy and exclusive people have all while trying to appear as casual as humanly possible.
 I went to Rockport, Mass. to visit some friends, and while I was there, I put them to work.  We cut, cored and peeled 2 full pecks of apples, which in lay-speak is approximately a “sh*t-ton”, or so I was told.  We then canned those apples for apple pie filling.  2 pecks turned out to be far more than we needed, as I managed to make 12 cans (2 of which exploded and needed to be refrigerated and not stored) and 2 apple crisps.

 But the beauty of a rainy cool autumnal day when apple, cinnamon and sugar mingle together throughout a tiny apartment overlooking a sleepy fishing harbor reawakened something creative inside of me.  Well, that or the mixed drink we created using the leftover apple and lemon preserving juice.  Either way, perhaps I will make a reappearance here.